Weekly Update 04.11.24


Prayer Night. Prayer Night, April 17th at 7 p.m. A monthly time to pray with and for one another, Missio, and Salt Lake City.

Contact Lauren Cole with questions: laurenmadisoncole@gmail.com

Atonement Class. During Eastertide (50 days of Easter season) we are talking about the gospel, and central to the gospel is the death of Jesus on the cross or what we call "the atonement." But what is atonement? Why did Jesus die? What did Jesus' death accomplish? And, most importantly, why is the death of Jesus good news? Join us Sunday morning, April 28th at 9am, for a one time class exploring the atonement and why it is good news. Sign up here!

Prodigal Gospel Release. Join us Tuesday, May 7th at 6:30 pm to celebrate the release of Pastor Jonny's new book, Prodigal Gospel. Prodigal Gospel is a book exploring the good news of Jesus and was written in the Missio community and for the Missio community. Drinks and snacks will be provided.